Sunday, March 27, 2011

Failed Dot Com

I may have to settle with Blogger.

See? My friend generously offered to pay for my own domain but our webhost seem not to like me. They’ve been having this “server restoration” process for days now and it looks like I’m the only one affected, they don’t really care.

They ( deleted everything that I’ve posted since I started using their services and I don’t think they have plans to retrieve them back. I’m afraid of publishing more posts as they may end up getting deleted every week or so.

I don’t wanna stress myself any further, so I’m back blogging here at Blogger.


Anonymous said...

that sucks that they're not doing something about it

Ely said...

@thecuriouscat, i published this post in my new site and after 3hrs, they finally decided to bring all my other posts back.