Friday, May 25, 2007

Holy Water

I've only been inside a church three times since i arrived here in Manila. My Sunday obligations is something that i set aside, making my hectic schedule as an excuse of lying on my bed all day during weekends.

Thanks God for Tine! Last Sunday, with her inviting me, i finally got the urge to go to mass. The first plan was us going to St. Jude, but we decided to go to Quiapo instead. I met them (with Joyce and Ems) right in front of the church. We entered during the "final blessing time" and some not-so-holy thoughts just rushed inside me while observing the tradition. I believe, God tried really hard to forgive me that time. See, i was thinking why people have to raise their hands just to get sprinkled with "holy water"...hehe...ashamed that i might look too alien, i raised my hand anyway. We were making our way looking for a seat when i felt a "splash" on my face. That's like a pail of holy water! Aha! That's exactly what i was thinking, you don't need to raise a hand, i received an abundant holy water, it poured without even me asking! I smiled, it must have meant something...(evil me!) or, it must be a sign that God has forgiven me(i believe so).

We're out of the church by 6pm and while they're looking at some Quaipo items, my eyes were busy looking around for a good subject where i could make good use of my camera. I call it camera-itch, like i can't leave a place without taking a pic. And so i noticed something in the sky...

I don't know if others would find it extra-ordinary, but Tine and I were amazed by this. She took a picture with her phone too, and people started looking with question marks on their faces... (I intentionally included the "ich" within the frame)...It was just quite unusual seeing the moon and a star very near each other, in a dark blue sky.

After dinner, we can't help but notice, from a sky in dark blue...

Now those two heavenly bodies in a black background...


Anonymous said...

nice experience eh? bless the blessed :D


Alternati said...

hey Ely,

I am the official delegate to welcome you to the blogosphere. hehe.. (3 posts too late) :P

I wouldn't even have known about your blog if I didn't check mybloglog. So I see you've dealt with the uploading pics problem... BTW, that moon star pic is breathtaking. :)

Ely said...

Thanks for dropping by brVincefms, yup, i had fun that day. :)

Ches, Thanks God you found my blog! hehehe. I appreciate the warm welcome. Kinakapa ko pa lang lahat ng ginagawa ko dito. I've tried uploading Haloscan, but it's taking away some elements and all comments, so i reloaded my original template. I'll just settle for this for the mean time...

Alternati said...

Yup, that's the effect of Haloscan. If you use it, the comments made in blogger do not show up anymore. Pero it is still saved just not visible. hehe... Many stopped using Haloscan because of that. Me, it was good I used it early kaya only a couple of comments were lost. :)